Impact Litigation in the Bay Area: How local cases have changed lives and law throughout the nation

Presented on December 5, 2024

at the Phillip Burton Federal Building & United States Courthouse
San Francisco, California

A Panel Discussion with
Louise Renne
Former City Attorney and Supervisor, San Francisco
Kavita Narayan
Chief Assistant County Counsel, Santa Clara
Yvonne Meré
Chief Deputy City Attorney, San Francisco
Jamie Huling Delaye
Deputy City Attorney, Oakland
Moderated by
Elizabeth Cabraser

Link to the report mentioned by panelist Jamie Huling Delaye.  The report is now public, and an op-ed by former Oakland City Attorney Barbara Parker in today’s S.F. Chronicle includes a link to the report. <,1,i2cXnnw8_LglGgXsQTZ7s4fcpRr1U9y_23OktrqA4L3S67iYsuQbUpOkscGDsWys_OVP9c0qo53CDoB8TbYlmQzYsQl3r0GMJru35wOCptA,&typo=1> y